
Showing posts from November, 2020
Chapter 5 Why the Gospel Makes Sense to Me Earlier, I wrote about the missionaries teaching me. It felt right and I felt the Spirit speaking to me, or the Lord speaking to me via the Spirit, telling me that it was all true. But I haven’t really written much about what it is I now believe, which, of course, is based on what the missionaries taught me but has been expanded somewhat over 40 years of reading and experiencing the Gospel in my life.  To me, life without the Gospel has no meaning, no purpose. Scientists can tell us how life on earth exists, but I don’t believe that they can tell us why it exists and what the purpose of life on Earth is. The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives our lives meaning. A large part of the Gospel is the story of Adam and Eve. Exactly when they lived and how they lived, I do not know. The first commandment that God gave to them was to “multiply and replenish the Earth”. In other words, raise a family. If you want to become a better person, become a father or
  The Arunsapai family, with Elder Reynolds on the right and Elder Ceff on the Left Chapter 4 Missionary Service After 2 weeks in the Missionary Training Centre (MTC), I couldn’t wait to get into the mission field and actually teach people about the Restoration. Not that the MTC was a bad place to be (although the food was really bad) but I wanted to get out where the real action would be.   I soaked up all I could learn there. Prior to going to the MTC, I had spent almost a week staying in the Temple accommodation and spending as much time as I could in the Temple. I had heard a little bit about the Temple in my first 18 months as a member of the Church. But it was shrouded in mystique. Sometime before attending the Temple, I had a dream about being in the Temple. It’s too long ago now for me to remember the details of the dream, but I remember feeling distinctly at home in the endowment room of the Temple, feeling like I had been there before. The MTC lessons were fantastic. We